Multiple Projects Management For
HR Teams
Game Devs
Project Coordinators
Non-Profit Organizations
Large Teams
Research Teams
Content Creators
Video Producers
Small Teams
Design Teams
Product Managers
Personal Use
Event Planners
Legal Professionals
Software Houses
Indie Hackers
Podcast Producers
Creative Agencies
Operations Managers
Healthcare Professionals
Dev Teams
Tech Enthusiasts
Build In Public
Educational Institutions
Marketing Teams
Open-Source Devs
Remote Workers
Finance Teams

Multiple Projects On Same Board

Visualize All Your Ventures, Simultaneously

Why juggle multiple tools when you can view all your projects on a single, streamlined board? t0ggles redefines task management with our revolutionary multi-project board. Each column represents a different project, while task cards are color-coded by status, allowing you to grasp the full scope of your operations at a glance.

Complete Control, Comprehensive Clarity

See every project's progress, identify bottlenecks, and track deadlines side by side. Our intuitive design means no more switching tabs or losing context. It's all right there — cohesive, clear, and concise.

Dive Deep with Project Focus Mode

Need to drill down on a single project? Activate Project Focus mode. This view transforms your board by representing each column as a specific status of the selected project — just like the traditional Kanban board but with t0ggles' sleek, modern touch.

Embrace the Big Picture

Whether you're managing a complex product launch or working on a variety of client projects, t0ggles gives you the ability to monitor and direct multiple projects without missing a single one.

Ready to revolutionize the way you manage projects?

Explore the boundless possibilities with t0ggles — where every project is visible, manageable, and aligned for success.

Explore Our Demo Boards

Dive into real-world scenarios with our interactive demo boards! Each board is designed to showcase t0ggles capabilities and flexibility in managing different types of project — from health tech and engineering to web development and more:

AI-Powered Productivity

Empower Your Workflow with Smart AI Features

AI-Driven Task Creation

Simply describe what needs to be done using natural language, and watch as our AI assistant transforms your words into structured tasks with all the necessary details — from due dates to priorities and tags. Whether you're jotting down a quick to-do or outlining a complex series of tasks, our AI makes task creation effortless and accurate

AI-Powered Text Assistance

With just a few clicks, you can leverage advanced AI tools to translate, refine, enhance, and optimize your content seamlessly

For Developers

Seamless GitHub Integration That Powers Up Your Workflow

t0ggles is not just another task management tool — it's a developer's best ally. Through robust GitHub integration, t0ggles seamlessly transforms how you connect code to tasks.
Effortlessly create and link t0ggles tasks from GitHub issues and pull requests with simple commands in your commit messages, comments or titles.
This integration keeps you focused on coding by automating your workflow, syncing tasks directly with GitHub activities without the need for switching platforms.

1.Add a comment

Create and link t0ggles tasks from GitHub issues and pull requests with simple commands like t0ggles-create and t0ggles-link

2.t0ggles GitHub Bot

Right after your comment (or commit), the t0ggles GitHub bot will create (or link or move to done) a task and send a GitHub comment with the task link and a preview image.

3.Task Created

That's it. Just visit your board and your new task will be there!

For Builders In Public

Unveil Your Vision with Public Boards

At t0ggles, we embrace transparency and innovation. With our Public Boards feature, turn your project management into a public spectacle. Whether you're a startup, a coding virtuoso, or a creative maverick, showcase your journey from the ground up. With t0ggles, you're not just building products, you're building connections.

See Ideas in Action

Allow your clients and users to watch your ideas develop in real-time, making them part of the creative process and deepening their engagement.

Build Trust Globally

Public Boards display your progress globally, building trust and aligning team goals, making milestones transparent and successes shared.

Leverage Community Insights

Public visibility leverages community insights, providing valuable feedback that drives innovation and enhances project suitability.

Powerful Text Editor

Craft Content with Advanced Tools

Elevate your project documentation and task descriptions with t0ggles' powerful text editor. Beyond basic text formatting, our editor lets you insert images, embed files, and create tables with ease. Mention team members, directly link tasks and notes for seamless navigation, and many many more.
Plus, with built-in AI assistance, you can enhance writing, adjust tone, summarize content, and even translate text — all within the editor
Rich Formatting
Files Attachments
Images Attachments
AI Assistant
Link Tasks
Link Notes
Syntax Highlighting
Ordered List
Action Items
Bullet List

Commands Menu

Mention Team Members

Action Items

Task Links


Bubble Menu

Unique UI & UX

Where Craftsmanship Meets Intuitive Design

Explore a handcrafted interface where every element is meticulously designed with precision and a touch of skeuomorphism. Feel the satisfaction with each click and toggle, as tactile elements make digital interactions delightfully tangible.


Organize Thoughts and Streamline Documentation

t0ggles isn't just about managing tasks — it's also your space for creativity and clarity. In t0ggles you can create and store unlimited notes, which can be organized in folders that correspond to the structure of your project.
Editing notes is based on our advanced text editor, allowing rich text formatting, inserting images, files and more, letting you capture ideas as they come.

Enhanced Writing Experience

Dive into content creation without distractions using our "Zen" mode, where all unnecessary UI elements disappear, letting you focus solely on your writing.

Seamlessly Integrated for Maximum Efficiency

With seamless integration between notes, tasks, and projects, t0ggles ensures that all your information is just a few clicks away.


Make It Personal

At t0ggles, we understand that customization is key to a personalized workflow. Customize your task card appearance to match your project's needs — from changing status colors to configuring task layouts. Enable or disable task card elements to create a workspace that's truly your own.


One Plan, Infinite Possibilities

t0ggles simplifies your productivity with just one straightforward paid plan that offers unlimited boards, unlimited projects, unlimited tasks, unlimited notes, and unlimited file uploads.
Per user/month
(billed annually)
Unlimited Boards, Projects, Tasks, Notes, Files, Custom Fields, Tags, Integrations
AI Tasks
AI Text Editor Assistant
60 Days Archive
14-day free trial