Personal Profile

Need to update your profile details? Here's how you can personalize your information and stay connected with your team.

#Access Your Account Page

First things first, head over to your Account page to start personalizing your profile. You can reach it right here:

#Profile Image & Name

In the first section of your account page, you can make your profile feel more "you."

Here's what you can do:

  • Upload Your Photo: Add a personal touch with a profile picture.
  • Update Your Name: Ensure your name is how you want it displayed.
  • Update Your Email Address: Keep your contact details current.

#More About You

Just below your main profile details, you can share a bit more about yourself, which will be visible to your team members:

  • Job Title: Let others know what you do.
  • Birthday: Share your special day.
  • Location: Where in the world are you working from?
  • Introductory Text: Write a brief introduction or fun facts about yourself to share with the team.

Want to connect more? In the "Links & Social Profiles" section, add links to your digital footprint:

  • Website: Your personal or professional site.
  • X (ex. Twitter): Your Twitter handle.
  • Facebook: Your Facebook profile.
  • GitHub: Link to your GitHub for fellow coders to see.
  • LinkedIn: Your professional profile.

Setting up these links not only makes it easier for your team to connect with you on various platforms but also helps in building a stronger, more interconnected team.

Remember, the more complete your profile, the easier it is for team members to get to know you and understand your role within the team. Take a few moments to make sure it's all set up the way you want!