Board Properties

The Board Properties (also known as custom fields) allow you to define additional fields for tasks on the board, giving more flexibility in task management.

#Built-in Properties

These include essential fields such as Tags, Priority, Start Date, Deadline, and Assigned.

These properties are pre-configured but can be enabled or disabled as needed.

You can also customize which properties appear on task cards, lists, and filter views, as well as configure Quick Edit and Featured options:

#Custom Properties

You can define your own custom fields that fit your project's specific needs. In the image above, examples of custom fields are Story Points and Sprint.

Each custom property can be assigned different types of input:

  • Text: For free-text entries.
  • Date: For picking dates.
  • Select: Creates a dropdown of options (such as "Sprint 1", "Sprint 2")
  • Number: For numerical values (like Story Points).
  • Email: For capturing email addresses.
  • URL: For links.
  • Checkbox or Toggle: For boolean selections (Yes/No, Complete/Incomplete).
  • Person: To assign a user.

For each custom property, you can:

  • Enable filtering by the property.
  • Choose to display the property on task cards and lists.
  • Enable Quick Edit functionality, allowing you to modify the property directly from the task preview.
  • Mark the property as Featured, displaying it prominently on the task's main card in detailed view.

#Reordering Properties

Properties can be rearranged by dragging the handle (indicated by two horizontal lines) on the left side of each property row.